FinTech Platforms

5 Most-Read FinTech Rising Articles of 2020

Emerging technologies in finance and banking garnered the greatest attention in FinTech Rising, a newsletter published by Canright Communications. Financial professionals focused most on articles that covered practical application on new technology to financial market segments.

1. FinTech Platforms Emerge in Wealth Management. The most-read article originated from the last in-person event I attended in 2020. I flew to Boston Feb 27 for an event sponsored by Morningstar and the accounting firm RSM. The program featured tech firms using the “platform” model to extend their reach and help segments of the wealth management industry retain clients and expand market share.

2. Focus Your Product Idea with a Future Press Release. We occasionally run how-to articles on marketing. This article describes how Amazon helps focus emerging technology products by writing their press releases during planning discussions.

FinTech Platforms

3. From Hype to Investment: The Changing Face of Blockchain. Digital assets and distributed ledger technologies (DLTs) started to earn their way into the emerging technology announcements of financial institutions.

4. Emerging Cannabis Market Presents Opportunities for Payments Trailblazers. Pot payments are difficult for banks given that marijuana possession is still a federal crime. As states increasingly legalize medicinal and recreational use of cannabis, banks and payment FinTechs are finding ways to eliminate cash payments.

5. A More Mature Dream: Building Authentication into Cryptocurrency. U.S. Congressman Bill Foster (D-IL) spoke on the need for government-supported digital identities to build trust for digital assets at the kick-off of the Global Digital Asset & Cryptocurrency Association.

Our “top reads” in other media platforms followed along the same lines.

Has Blockchain Technology Crossed the Chasm?, a 2019 article, was the most visited article on the FinTech Rising website. (Our answer remains, “No”.)

Is Covid-19 Payments 9/11 Moment? Published in the PayThink column of PaymentsSource, the post covers weaknesses in the U.S. financial infrastructure and led LinkedIn views for our financial articles.

Serverless Architecture: Increasing Business Competitiveness and Developer Productivity with FaaS Infrastructure. The technology brief explains the pros and cons of serverless computing on Amazon Web Services and came out on top as the most downloaded report on our website.

A press release from Front Office Solutions and its new features on valuation and client reporting had the most click-throughs of all our client project features.

Thanks to all of the companies and individuals who provided their time and shared their information with us, especially my partners at the Chicago Payments Forum. The articles on digital assets and cannabis payments came from our monthly payments meet-ups. Special thanks to Jess Purdy, Canright’s senior staff writer, who did the heavy lifting in writing many of these articles.

We are booking client projects for 2021, including our new lead-prospecting solution, at discounted rates through Dec 31. Contact Collin Canright for details.