How Trump became bitcoin’s unlikely savior

President-elect Donald Trump’s plan to block remittances hasn’t been fulfilled, but the notion has helped bring new attention to bitcoin, which allowed it to fill gaps left behind if popular money transfer firms were to stop their cross-border payments operations, writes Bailey Reutzel for Paymentssource. A similar situation occurred when WikiLeaks was unable to use mainstream payments processing platforms and instead turned to bitcoin donations.

1,000-year-old royal mint will soon launch blockchain gold trading

The Royal Mint, the only UK institution permitted to provide coins, has teamed up with CME Group to build and issue gold trading using blockchain, according to CoinDesk. The move is meant to reduce “traditional frictions” slow down the exchange.

How to find and hire a blockchain (Ethereum and Hyperledger) developer

Know what makes for a good developer, go to the right place to find them and understand that they’re curious by nature, according to investor and blockchain aficionado Zach Piester. Also, having an intimate understanding of game theory is a plus.