FinTech Adoption


Banks continue trying to discern whether blockchain technology is an asset or liability, early FinTech adoption continues to skew toward the urban, young, and tech-savvy population, while security tops a list of 2016 FinTech concerns.

EY FinTech Adoption Index lays out key trends

The early FinTech adopters are typically young, high income population right now, but soon such acceptance of FinTech is expected to grow across multiple demographics. People in major urban areas are also adopting FinTech, and though the simplicity of setting up accounts is speeding up FinTech adoption, lack of awareness of products is what’s holding FinTech adoption back, the EY FinTech Adoption Index shows (PDF).

Streamlining regulation for innovation in payments

Zenbanx CEO Arkadi Kuhlmann sat down with BAI Banking Strategies to discuss goals for his Toronto-based multicurrency financial services company, methods for building better systems at brick-and-mortar institutions, and opportunities for traditional banks to emulate startups’ successes.

Global FinTech survey: 51 experts reveal 2016 trends

When asked which three startups made the most significant impact in 2015, the 51 respondents to Yodlee’s Global FinTech survey named companies such as R3, Apple Pay, and Funding Circle as examples. The big trends in 2016 include security & authentication and payments.

How the payments industry and developers can work better together

The proverbial stars have aligned for FinTech companies, according to Robert Walls, head of product at Visa Australia, New Zealand and South Pacific. Walls explains why Visa, Twitter, Google, and other companies are working to better engage with the developer community.

The curious state of peer-to-peer lending

“The losses which will emerge from peer-to-peer lending over the next five to 10 years will make the worst bankers look like lending geniuses,” predicted former FSA chief Lord Adair Turner. P2P lenders strongly beg to differ. The Financial Times examines the ongoing debate over how to perceive and regulate emerging P2P lending platforms and what affect their business has on traditional systems.


The number of major organizations starting blockchain initiatives increased yet again, with IBM, Accenture, and the European Central Bank joining the blockchain party. Meanwhile, The New York Business Journal writes about open blockchains and banking while Wired discusses “Why Wall Street is embracing the blockchain—its biggest threat.”