Long Live Fintech 2.0

FinTech Articles of the Week 6/19/15

This week’s picks cover topics from the future of bitcoin, FinTech 2.0, Apple Pay and more!

Why Has “Social” Failed in Fintech?

Although social has failed in many cases of startups, it is not the case in network economics or marketplaces. Read more here.

Bitcoin Will Be Money If It Becomes Boring

“Is bitcoin ever going to become money? The answer to the question depends on the answer to a much deeper question: What is money, anyway?”

Fintech 1.0 is Dead. Long Live Fintech 2.0.

Read the differences between Fintech 1.0 and Fitech 2.0. Additionally, you have the chance to download a new paper out called “The Fintech 2.0 Paper: rebooting financial services.”

Apple is Your New Bank

“Right now, things like Apple Pay (and its imitators) are sitting clumsily in the middle of a cumbersome old-school transaction infrastructure, with banks and credit-card companies acting as the gatekeepers. But that’s temporary. The endgame will be one in which peer-to-peer transactions, using blockchain technology for trust propagation, will obviate the need for external gatekeepers.”

How the Rise of Digital Banking Might Set Back a US Civil-Rights Law

This article touches on the limited powers of bank regulation, the hidden downside of the mobile revolution, why bank branches still matter, and the significance of the 1977 Community Reinvestment Act.