When blockchain stops being a big scary word. It seems we are nearing the point where blockchain won’t be explained as a technology but accepted simply as a business tool, writes London-based investment writer Vered Zimmerman. Today, it takes more time to convince stakeholders of the benefits than it does to deploy the technology, and the discussion is starting to shift toward the business benefits. In six words, blockchain enables multiple organizations to “agree on the state of data.”

As interest in blockchain booms, Ethereum gains ground. As the popularity of blockchain technology increases, the Ethereum digital currency has begun to move ahead of bitcoin. The interest in Ethereum stems from its usefulness in coding business logic into blockchain-based systems. The substantial growth of Ethereum can also be explained by the technology’s ability to be malleable in the interworking of the software. This allows for a company to decide how they want to specifically use and regulate blockchain technology within their respective company.

Delaware House passes historic blockchain regulation. An amendment has been made to the Delaware state law which marks the stocks to be traded on a blockchain. This amendment will allow Delaware to be a leader in enabling the use of “distributed ledger shares,” and at the forefront of corporate law. The passing of this amendment will also allow for the cutting out of middlemen between buyers and sellers of stocks causing quicker and more efficient settlements.