Reality E-Check

FinTech Articles of the Week 7/3/15

This week’s fintech picks cover topics from e-invoicing, the significance of Blockchain, 8 problems with mobile payments and more!

Reality Check: E-Invoicing Is Still a Rarity

“Researchers found that e-invoicing is expanding at a rate of up to 3 percent a year — a solid, steady growth thanks to government mandates and enterprise implementation.”

Is the Uber of Finance the Blockchain?

Read how Blockchain is connecting buys with sellers through a trusted third party that is decentralized and networked.

The Shot Heard ‘Round the Banking World

This article focuses on the power shift in financial services—the consumer will decide who rules banking in the future.

Who’s the Best CEO in Banking

After crunching numbers, this article determines who really has the bragging rights as the industry’s top dog.

8 Problems with Mobile Payments

Read the problems with mobile payments, including world wide woes, failure fatigue, and slippery security.